Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Graphing Absolute-Value Functions

Graphing Absolute-Value Functions

Go to this link to get some good notes on graphing absolute value functions and then you can use it to blog on the subject!

Important Information!

By now you should be aware of several websites
QuizStar - find individual quizzes from me...don't forget to print the pdf file from the first question

Algebasics - audio messages of how to work algebra problems

Classzone - our books website!

USATest Prep - practice for EOCT and GHSGT

Bright Storm - Video of how to do work

You should have signed up for a google account by now and I want you to answer this information as well!

Send Coach Hill my Google Info

And finally, you and your parent's have sent me this information by now!
1) Distance formula for the points (-4,3) (6, -2)
2) Substitute the points into the formula
      if any numbers are negative remember to keep up with signs

3)  Add/Subtract the numbers

4)  Squared the numbers...this will always be a positive number

5)  Add your squares

6)  Approximate using calculator  11.18

7)  Simplify to 5 on the square root 5

This is how I want you to post corrections on work we do, identify the rule that lets you do each line!

Systems of Equations

Describe the difference between:

Consistent, Dependent

Consistent, Independent


Get images from searching google, from making them using TI-interactive, or find a graphing program and use print screen to copy the screen to the clipboard...paste it to Microsoft paint or something like that and then cut out the graph...save it to your computer and then post it above...

Obama speaks on educaton

Good message...but the personal accountablility that he ends with is not how he started! Robert Hill was going to learn, going to suceed, going to reach for the stars..with my feet on the ground because that is what I brought to the school! My teachers had no choice but to step it up, as a student I forced them to do this because my parents, by their words and me by my actions made it clear...I was headed to the mountain top and they were going to have to be good enough EVERY DAY to be ready to teach me because I demanded to learn, I demanded excellence! Accepting failure was not an option, nor should it be for any student!

Inconsistent systems

This is an example of an inconsistent system.These lines are parallel, because they have the same slope.  This system has NO SOLUTIONS!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Sunday, August 29, 2010

We are going to put important information on your blog!

I can ask questions here, explain information, share notes, etc...we are also going to be using Google Documents to put information here that we can all use and see!  Those of you who are real good at blogging will be able to really assist everyone in becoming better mathematicians!

Thursday, August 26, 2010