Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Performance Exam Review

Found some good links on Itunes

Systems of Equations click on the link and download the handouts and follow along on the MP3's!

Don't forget to use your review and go to Bright Storm!

Email me or chat at rthill3@gmail.com

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Identifying special situations in factoring

  • Difference of two squares
    • a2- b= (a + b)(a - b)
      • 3 examples
  • Trinomial perfect squares
    • a+ 2ab + b2= (a + b)(a + b) or (a + b)2
      • 3 examples
    • a- 2ab + b= (a - b)(a - b) or (a - b)2
      • 3 examples
  • Difference of two cubes
    • a3 - b3
      • 3 - cube root 'em
      • 2 - square 'em
      • 1 - multiply and change
        • 3 examples
  • Sum of two cubes
    • a3 + b3 
      • 3 - cube root 'em
      • 2 - square 'em
      • 1 - multiply and change
        • 3 examples
  • Binomial expansion
    • (a + b)3 = Use the pattern
    • (a + b)4 = Use the pattern

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

End Behaviors

Domain - x values
Range - y values referred to as f(x)

  • domain → +∞, range → +∞ (rises on the right)
  • domain → -∞, range → -∞ (falls on the left)

  • domain → -∞, range → +∞ (rises on the left)
  • domain → +∞, range → -∞ (falls on the right)

  • domain → +∞, range → +∞ (rises on the right)
  • domain → -∞, range → -∞ (falls on the left)

  • domain → +∞, range → -∞ (falls on the right)
  • domain → -∞, range → -∞ (falls on the left)